“Libertly bell” and Jackpot Or Types of Video Slots
From the moment of “Liberty bell” invention all that pictures and the water melon additionally, added by Mills in 1937 year, are neighbors on the automats’ drums practically without any changes. Only a bright label became a usual rectangle with the word “BAR”. During the long time of their existence, these symbols became international, because every player knows that lemon means fail, three oranges – you’ve won 10 coins, and the last – three “BAR” – you’re the lucky one, who had won the Jackpot.
Modern machines can be divided in two categories. To the first belong street automats (their category is AWP). To the second casinos’ slots belong (their difference is in their price, power, playing time and the correlation of the rate and the maximal winning).
Such a great power of the slots around the world thanks one American company which produced the YGT system for the progressive winning – “jackpot” giving the ability to unite the rates and winnings of the thousands automats in different halls and cities, connected to each other with the computer network.
During the game with the automat connected to the network, playing situation of one gamer doesn’t influence other situations. Playing aggregates are completely independent, and the winning on each of them depends on luckiness, and of course on the sums which were earlier lost on this automat. But the credibility is higher, when a lot of money was lost.
A general program of the centralized management forms additional winning fund for all the players of the automats, united with the network, for all the money that were lost by the gamer – and that is the Jackpot.